一、个人简介 车慧连,女,1984年7月出生,医学博士、副教授,韩国大韩心脏学会会员;韩国高分子学会会员。 主要经历: 2008-2011韩国全南大学医科大学,医学硕士 2011-2015韩国全南大学医科大学,医学博士 2013-2014日本国立材料研究所(NIMS),博士 2015-2016韩国全南大学医科大学,博士后 2016-至今e世博官网
,副教授 二、研究领域 主要从事基因涂层支架和纳米纤维的设计、改造和制备,并用涂层基因材料预防和治疗心肌梗死及肿瘤(乳腺癌,瘢痕疙瘩)等方向的研究。 三、荣誉奖励 (1)2022-2023e世博官网
优秀教学奖 (2)2018-2019e世博官网
优秀教学奖 四、学术成果 (一)代表性项目 (1)国家自然科学基金青年项目,microRNA-145/VEGF双基因内外涂层支架的制备及植入初期支架内再狭窄的抑制功效 (2)江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,抑 制 支 架 植 入 初 期 支 架 内 再 狭 窄 的 双 基 因microRNA/VEGF涂层支架的制备及体外/在体功能评价 (3)江南大学自主科研计划青年基金,MicroRNA-145涂层支架对预防和抑制初期发生的Rabbit restenosis models的评价 (二)代表性论文 (1)Lekshmi KM, Che HL,et al.,Drug- and Gene-eluting Stents for Preventing Coronary Restenosis,Chonnam Med J.2018,53(1):14-27 (2)Che HL,et al.,Therapeutic Effect of Akt1 siRNA Nanoparticle Eluting Coronary Stent on Suppression of Post-Angioplasty Restenosis,J Biomed Nanotechnol.2017,12(6):1211-22 (3)Che HL,et al.,Novel Fabrication of MicroRNA Nanoparticle-Coated Coronary Stent for Prevention of Post-Angioplasty Restenosis,Korean Circ J.2016,46(1):23-32 (4)Muthiah M,Che HL,et al.,Formulation of glutathione responsive anti-proliferative nanoparticles from thiolated Akt1 siRNA and disulfide-crosslinked PEI for efficient anti-cancer gene therapy,Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces,.2016,1:126:322-7 (5)Che HL,et al.,Suppression of post-angioplasty restenosis with an Akt1 siRNA-embedded coronary stent in a rabbit model,Biomaterials.2012,33(33):8548-56 (6)Che HL,et al.,Simultaneous Drug and Gene Delivery from the Biodegradable Poly(ε-caprolactone) Nanofibers for the Treatment of Liver Cancer,J Nanosci Nanotechnol.2015,15(10):7971-5 (7)Wang YX, Jin YY, Wang J, Zhao ZC, Xue KW, Xiong H,Che HL,et al.,Icaritin Derivative IC2 Induces Cytoprotective Autophagy of Breast Cancer Cells via SCD1 Inhibition,Molecules.2023,28(3):1109 (8)Yang C, Jin YY, Mei J, Hu D, Jiao X,Che HL,,et al.,Identification of icaritin derivative IC2 as an SCD-1 inhibitor with anti-breast cancer properties through induction of cell apoptosis,Cancer Cell Int.2022,22(1):202. (8)Wang J, Ying L, Xiong H, Zhou DR, Wang YX,Che HL,et al,Comprehensive analysis of stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase in prostate adenocarcinoma: insights into gene expression, immune microenvironment and tumor progression,Front Immunol.2024,15:1460915 (9)Che HL,et al.,Simultaneous Drug and Gene Delivery from the Biodegradable Poly(ε-caprolactone) Nanofibers for the Treatment of Liver Cancer,J Nanosci Nanotechnol.2015,15(10):7971-5 (10)Nie Y, Zhai X, Li J, Sun A, Che HL,et al.,NFATc3 Promotes Pulmonary Inflammation and Fibrosis by Regulating Production of CCL2 and CXCL2 in Macrophage,Aging Dis.2023,10.14336 (三)代表性专利 (1)In-kyu Park,Hui-lian Che,In-Ho Bea,Haeshin Lee,Youngkeun Ahn , Myung-Ho Jeong ,Won Jong Kim.Complex composition of Disulfide crosslinked Polyethylenimine/Target gene Complex and target gene for effective transfection into the cells, Patent No.10-2012-0027104. 五、联系方式 通讯地址:江苏省无锡市蠡湖大道1800号e世博官网
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