一、个人简介 邵晨雯,女,1994年10月出生,博士,副教授,中国生理学会循环生理专业委员会委员,江苏省病理生理学会青年委员会青年委员。 主要经历: 2012~2016南京农业大学,获学士学位 2016~2021南京大学,获博士学位 2022~至今e世博官网
,副教授 二、研究领域 荧光探针在心脑血管疾病诊断与病理机制研究中的应用 心脑血管疾病药物先导分子的筛选及优化 三、学术成果 (一)代表性项目 1.主持国家自然科学基金(青年)项目 2.主持江苏省自然科学基金(青年)项目 3.主持中央高校基本科研计划(青年项目) 4.主持“江南大学医学学科发展基金”科研基金项目 (二)代表性论文 1.Shao CW, Yuan JW, Liu YN, Qin YJ, Wang XA, Gu J, Chen GQ, Zhang B, Liu HK, Zhao J, Zhu HL, Qian Y. Epileptic brain fluorescent imaging reveals apigenin can relieve the myeloperoxidase-mediated oxidative stress and inhibit ferroptosis.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2020, 117(19): 10155-10164. 2.Shao CW, Liu YN, Chen ZP, Qin YJ, Wang XA, Wang XT, Yan C, Zhu HL, Zhao J, Qian Y. 3D two-photon brain imaging reveals dihydroartemisinin exerts antiepileptic effects by modulating iron homeostasis.Cell Chemical Biology2022, 29(1): 43-56.e12. 3.Shao CW, Hedberg C, Qian Y. In Vivo Imaging of the Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor in Liver Cancer with an Activity-Based Probe.Analytical Chemistry2021, 93(4): 2152-2159. 4.Zhang B, Li XY, Shu WB, Yang YS, Zhu HL,Shao CW*. A self-supplied O2versatile nanoplatform for GOx-mediated synergistic starvation and hypothermal photothermal therapy.Materials & Design2022, 222: 111067. 5.Shao CW, Wu J, Han SQ, Liu YN, Su Z, Zhu HL, Liu HK, Qian Y. Biotinylated curcumin as a novel chemosensitizer enhances naphthalimide-induced autophagic cell death in breast cancer cells.European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry2022, 228: 114029. 6.Shao CW, Chen Z-P, Yan C, Qian Y. 3D tracking of ferrous iron in the epileptic mouse brain and screening of iron homeostasis regulators with a two-photon fluorescent probe.STAR protocols2022, 3(3): 101522. 7.Hu JS#,Shao CW#, Wang XA, Di XJ, Xue XL, Su Z, Zhao J, Zhu HL, Liu HK, Qian Y. Imaging Dynamic Peroxynitrite Fluxes in Epileptic Brains with a Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probe.Advanced Science2019, 6(15): 1900341. 8.Wu J#,Shao CW#, Ye XL, Di XJ, Li DD, Zhao H, Zhang B, Chen GQ, Liu HK, Qian Y. In Vivo Brain Imaging of Amyloid-beta Aggregates in Alzheimer's Disease with a Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probe.Acs Sensors2021, 6(3): 863-870. 9.Chen J#,Shao CW#, Wang XA, Gu J, Zhu HL, Qian Y. Imaging of formaldehyde fluxes in epileptic brains with a two-photon fluorescence probe.Chemical Communications2020, 56(27): 3871-3874. 10.Zhang B#,Shao CW#, Zhou KM, Li Q, Duan YT, Yang YS, Zhu HL. A NIR-triggered multifunctional nanoplatform mediated by Hsp70 siRNA for chemo-hypothermal photothermal synergistic therapy.Biomaterials Science2021, 9(19): 6501-6509. (三)代表性专利 已授权: 1.ZL 202110410177.9基于铁死亡关键标志物在高通量筛选抗癫痫调控剂中的应用 2.ZL 201910761726.X一种次氯酸双光子荧光探针HCP及其制备方法和应用 3.ZL 201910213199.9一种过氧亚硝酸盐近红外荧光探针ONP及其制备方法和应用 四、联系方式 通讯地址:江苏省无锡市蠡湖大道1800号e世博官网
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