一、个人简介 董晓亮,男,1990年5月生,博士,副教授,中国药理学会抗炎免疫专业委员会青年委员会委员,江苏省药理学会抗炎免疫专业委员会委员,Journal of Translational Medicine、Phytomedicine等多个学术期刊审稿人。 主要经历: 2024.06至今 e世博官网
, 副教授 2021.07-2024.06 e世博官网
, 讲师 2019.01-2021.06 e世博官网
, 博士后 2012.09-2018.06 南京大学生命科学学院,博士(硕博连读) 二、研究领域 1.抗炎免疫药理学; 2.肠道炎症性疾病的发病机制研究和治疗策略开发; 三、荣誉奖励 1.江苏省双创博士; 2.江苏药理科学技术奖一等奖(5/6); 3.无锡太湖人才(C3)。 四、学术成果 (一)代表性项目 1.国家自然科学基金青年基金(2020.01-2022.12),主持; 2.教育部重点实验室开放项目(2021.11-2023.10),主持; 3.中央高校基本科研项目(2021.11-2023.10),主持; 4.太湖湾生命健康项目(2024.01-2024.12),主持。 (二)代表性论文 1. J. Yang, B. Wu, X. Sha, H. Lu, L. Pan, Y. Gu,X. Dong*. Intestinal GSTpi deficiency exacerbates the severity of experimental hyperlipidemic acute pancreatitis. International Immunopharmacology. 2024, 20:137:112363. 2.X. Dong, L. Qu, J. Xiong, B. Wang, X. Sha, B. Wu, Y. Sun, X. Pan, J. Sun, L. Pan*. Shizukaol C alleviates trimethylamine oxide-induced inflammation through activating Keap1-Nrf2-GSTpi pathway in vascular smooth muscle cell. Phytomedicine. 2024, 128:155403. 3.X. Dong, B. Yuan, S. Yu, H. Liu, X. Pan, J. Sun, L. Pan. Adriamycin induces cardiac fibrosis in mice via PRMT5-mediated cardiac fibroblast activation. Acta Pharmacology Sinica. 2023, 44(3):573-583. 4. H. Liu#,X. Dong#, K. Jia, B. Yuan, Z. Ren, X. Pan, J. Wu, J Li, J Zhou, R. Wang, L. Qu, J. Sun, L. Pan*. Protein arginine methyltransferase 5-mediated arginine methylation stabilizes Kruppel-like factor 4 to accelerate neointimal formation. Cardiovascular Research. 2023, 119(11):2142-2156. 5. J. Yang, X. Sha, D. Wu, B. Wu, X. Pan, L. Pan, Y. Gu,X. Dong*. Formononetin alleviates acute pancreatitis by reducing oxidative stress and modulating intestinal barrier. Chinese Medicine. 2023, 18(1):78. 6.X. Dong, D. Wu, Y. Zhang, L. Jia, X. Pan, J. Sun, L. Pan. Cathelicidin Modulates Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotypic Switching through ROS/IL-6 Pathway. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020, 9(6):491. 7.X. Dong, R. Sun, J. Wang, S. Yu, J. Cui, Z. Guo, X. Pan, J. Sun, J. Yang, L. Pan. Glutathione S-transferases P1-mediated interleukin-6 in tumor-associated macrophages augments drug-resistance in MCF-7 breast cancer. Biochemical Pharmacology. 2020, 182:114289. 8.X. Dong, Y. Yang, Y. Zhou, X. Bi, N. Zhao, Z. Zhang, L. Li, Q. Hang, R. Zhang, D. Chen, P. Cao, Z. Yin, L. Luo. Glutathione S-transferases P1 protects breast cancer cell from adriamycin-induced cell death through promoting autophagy. Cell Death & Differentiation. 2019, 26(10):2086-2099. 五、联系方式 通讯地址:江苏省无锡市滨湖区蠡湖大道1800号e世博官网
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